I love setting goals. My goals are the reasons why I get up early every day. They motivate me to do more, push my limit, and leave my comfort zone.
I have more TPT goals than life goals, but they (kind of) align with each other. Before setting these goals, I ensured they were specific, time-bound, and attainable within a certain time frame. I still doubt whether I will reach them, but I'll never know if I don't try.
Batch write my blog posts for Q1.
I'm writing this on the 9th of January, which will be published on the 20th of February. Every Monday, I sit in front of my computer and plan which blog posts I want to write, create an outline, and write. Creating an outline makes the job faster. I have five more blog posts to batch write, and by the start of February, I will be free from writing blog posts. Woohoo, I can't wait to get my Mondays back to product creation!
Grow my email list
I currently have around 100 people on my email list. They were 178 last month, but I deleted all my cold subscribers because we're not bringing them with us in 2023. I have already thought of some strategies for growing my email list and bought two courses!
Batch write my emails.
I have already batched my emails for the whole month of January, and every last Tuesday of the month, I will sit down and batch emails for the next month. Batching gives me more time to focus on other things in my business, and I'm grateful for joining Jumpstart Your Year workshop. If I had not enrolled, I would not have known its benefits and how it would make my TPT life easier. Thanks, Erin!
Product optimization and product creation
This goal has been on my list since 2021. I have more products to update and create as months and years pass, so this goal will never go away.
Surpass TPT earnings from Q1 last year
Not going to lie, but this goal scares me. It's too early to say, but sometimes I worry and think, "what if I don't surpass my January earnings?"
Check my 2022 Q1 income report here.
My store and earnings grew a lot in 2022. I surpassed all my earnings from 2021, and now that I know way better than two years ago, this small doubt is trying to eat me alive. But I keep telling myself not to worry about the things I can't control and focus on my other goals instead, which will help me grow more.
Back in 2021, I used to have money goals. But I scratched that. It doesn't help me mentally and emotionally (haha!). I also decided not to check my TPT dashboard every day. I check it weekly, or when I'm close to hitting four figures, but other than that, I skip the dashboard and go to the Traffic tab.
A quick life update...
One of my personal goals for Q1 is to crate-train my dog because I'm returning to the Philippines in May. Gabriel, my boyfriend, is traveling with me, and while I'm super excited for him to meet my family, I am anxious for Nugget being inside his crate for 24 hours. He's not going to be with us in the cabin, so wish him luck! On a positive note, 2023 will be a busy and exciting year for me, and I look forward to it!
What are your Q1 goals? And how will you make them happen? Share them here or send me a DM on Instagram, so we can chat!
Talk soon.
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