TPT Income Report from July to September 2022 + my experience with the new TPT search algorithm

Quarter 3 has said its goodbyes. That means it's time for my TPT Income Report for Q3! Quarter 3 was a roller coaster of emotions for me, especially September. But we're not going to dive deep into that. I know you're here for my Q3 income report, so let's get to business.



As you can see from the graph, my store was pretty dead in July because it's summer vacation in the US. My best day regarding earnings was on July 27, when I earned $17.92. Next was July 12, when I earned $17.60.

But if you compare it to July 2021, I did pretty well and even had a more than 400% increase.


Take note that I didn't include my free products here.


My views blew up compared to last year. The day I got the highest views (173 views) was July 5, but believe it or not, I only sold three products and earned $2.40. I think I joined a hashtag sale, so I earned 80 cents for each transaction.

Units Sold

I am pleased with the overall increase except for the conversion rate. I don't know how that happened, and I'm not an expert in analyzing data. But that's where we were.


Oh, August. I created many back-to-school resources but need to lower my expectations every BTS season. 😄 Many TPT sellers say August is their best month. I was not satisfied with my overall data because I created back-to-school PowerPoint game shows, printables, and Google Sheets, but they weren't my top-selling resources for August. Do you know what was selling at the time? My end-of-year products! I don't know if I should create more BTS products for next year or update the ones I already have. I guess I should do the latter and focus on evergreen resources.


Units Sold


I was still pretty shocked with the earnings compared to last year, but I always feel I should have sold/earned way more. Or I'm just being impatient. I know which areas I need to improve, and now that it's October, I am making many changes in my store.



September was hard, mentally. I was still doing pretty well when it came to being productive. I was still religiously following my morning routine, but I couldn't stop noticing or thinking about things that weren't in my control, like the TPT search algorithm and earnings.

If you haven't discovered yet, TPT did some "tweakings" in the search algorithm, aka personalized search results, that caused panic and outrage, especially to huge sellers. If you want to know more about it, go to TPT forums, and you will find out what I'm talking about.

So, in August, I created many Hispanic Heritage Month resources. I prayed to the TPT gods that they would sell more than I expected and double my earnings. But then, TPT implemented the testing for the new search algorithm (take note: the effect varies by store. Some stores did better than ever. Some didn't.) around the second week of September, if I'm not mistaken, and unfortunately, my store was one of the stores that were affected.

I would have sold more if TPT hadn't changed the search algorithm. But then again, it is just my observation. Please take everything that I typed here with a grain of salt.



If you notice, I had more views from last year than this year, but I earned way more this year. Some sellers complained about the views they were getting.


Units Sold

Q3 was an okay quarter for me. But this made me realize two things: don't rely on TPT for traffic, and putting your eggs in different baskets is better. How was your Q3, particularly your September? I hope you did better than me! If not, keep chugging along! Your hard work will pay off soon.

Talk soon!

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