100th Day of School varies every year. In some schools, it can be around late January. Others are around the first week of February or Valentine's Day. 100th Day of School is F U N. But only if you plan out activities to do with your students.
What is special about the 100th Day of School? Well, it signifies the 100th day of school in the school year. And this is the time for your students to celebrate and reflect on how they did well in their academic achievement.
If you need a print-and-go activity that will keep your students busy and engaged, why not let them create the 100th Day of School Flip Book? This flip book contains a bit of researching, writing, and drawing activities that will keep them occupied throughout the whole period.
Here are the activities I included in this 100th Day of School Flip Book. You can use one or two activities in the classroom, or you can use the flip book if you want them to do all of these!
2. If I had $100, I'd change the world by... Now, this is a fun question because your students will get to THINK! How are they going to change the world if they have $100? In addition, is it possible to change the world just by having $100? Let's get their creative juices flowing in this question!
3. My $100 bill face. What if they wake up one morning and find out their faces are on a $100 bill? What will be their reaction? Let them draw their faces inside the $100 bill and let's see how it will turn out!
4. If I have $100 right now, I will... Can I just answer this question? 😄 If I have $100 right now, I'll definitely buy meat for my dog because I feed him raw. LOL. Or I'll probably invest something for my business. But what will your kids write? Will they buy their favorite toy? Eat out? Adopt a pet? Buy his favorite ice cream? You can get to know your students more!
5. After 100 years, the world will be... Unfortunately, COVID is still here. And I don't think it's going to go away anytime soon. What do they think about this pandemic? Will it last for 100 years? Will it go away next year and we can all live normally again? Will there be flying cars? Can humans live on Mars? Will we befriend aliens in 100 years? The list goes on!
6. My 100-year-old face. Now, this is going to be fun! What would your students look like when they turn 100 years old? They can either draw or use an app such as Snapchat or AgingBooth or other photo aging apps! I'm thrilled to see the look on their faces when they find out what they'll look like!
7. Dress up 100-year-olds grandpa and grandma.
8. What I learned in 100 days of school. This activity helps them reflect on their academic achievement and celebrate major milestones in school. This will also show if they are really paying attention in class and doing the required activities the teacher asked them to do. Did they do well? Did they improve their study habits? Did they learn how to solve addition problems?
9. In the next 100 days, I want to... What do your students plan to do in the next 100 days? Read a book? Walk a dog in the shelter? Learn how to cook? Study harder for an upcoming test? Travel? Your students can heart anything their heart desires to do in the next 100 days.
Another tip: After they answer and assemble the flip book, they can present it in the class and have a little sharing activity. This way, everyone can learn something about one another and who knows, they might have the same idea about a specific question! It will also be hilarious to share their 100-year-old face in the class!
If you are interested in this flip book, you can click here to purchase. Or if you need activities for the 100th Day of School, you can also grab some of the ideas above! Thanks for reading! And Happy 100th Day of School!
-The Viral Teacher
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