Famous Hispanic People Flip Books

Hispanic Heritage Month is upon us. I don't know why, but I am pretty excited about this annual celebration. There are so many things to do and learn for our dear students! That is why I decided to create flip books for some of the famous Hispanic people who have helped make the world a better place.

This flip book contains 5 pages including the cover, their education & career, interesting facts, and their country. The second version of this flip book is about how they positively impacted the world (the 5th page).

Note that this flip book is similar to a biography research.

When you download the PDF file, you will see different icons below the page. That means students will write their answers on the icons, cut them, and glue them on the flip book page. Not only that, but students can also draw on the flip book pages to make them more personalized.

Students can answer one flip book a day for 23 days from September 15 to October 15. They can present their flip books to the class after their research or exchange them with a partner. That way, students can see if there are any facts or information they might have missed during their research.

If you are looking for a free flip book for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, click this link. I hope this freebie helps you and your class for Hispanic Heritage Month. Leave your questions below if you have one!

-The Viral Teacher


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